A timely and frightening exploration of the causes and consequences of the emerging foreclosure mess.
Tag Archives: real estate
a dose of reality
Armies of bulls and bears are camped out on either side of the great debate over the future of the global economy.
christianity and the crash
Over the past generation, a different strain of Christian faith has proliferated—one that promises to make believers rich in the here and now.
housing freefall
This time series from Robert Shiller puts recent house price fluctuations and their associated...
next shoe to drop
With all eyes on traditional residential mortgages, analysts are now looking for clues in...
the view from 1929
“Spectacular episodes in financial history” come about more often than we might expect, and...
the elusive bottom
Even market cheerleaders are struggling to find good news to rally around these days....
all that glitters
November 23, 2006—More dour news about the coming financial apocalypse, this time by noted...
chicken little
“I can calculate the movement of the stars, but NOT the madness of men.”...
a golden summer
An article on Slate.com from another American journalist with no desire to leave the...
re: nova | the elegant universe
From: J Dyck Sent: September 22, 2005 5:50 PM To: d Subject: RE: NOVA...