re: nova | the elegant universe

From: J Dyck
Sent: September 22, 2005 5:50 PM
RE: NOVA | The Elegant Universe | Watch the Program | PBS

i’m moving on up my brother! went to “scooter school” on saturday…which was largely about watching car crashes (did you know the west german government used LIVE people to test car crashes in the 70s…nothing like watching a blond haired, blue eyed german kid going 30mph into a tree…”dis exhibit iz closed!”). i have a road test scheduled for next month! if all goes well, methinks i may take a week off and scooter around the east coast to check out some MBA schools (don’t say it…i already feel dirty enough). speaking of travels…i’m also thinking of coming up to your neck of the woods to ring in the new year…you gonna be around?

aside from that…life in the nyc is a-ok. sheryl is having her birthday this weekend so there’s much planning afoot. and how’s your lady?

keep writing and keep hanging on…you’re not missing a damn thing at work!

September 22, 2005 5:15 PM
J Dyck
RE: NOVA | The Elegant Universe | Watch the Program | PBS

still hanging on. desperately. building a 750sqft deck kinda helps. [see attached pics]

what’s this about a scooter? what you talkin’ about, willis?!

so i’m looking to write for magazines at some point. gonna try to self-publish the articles in a book as well (through amazon, b&n…full hardcovers with all the bestseller trimmings) at the very least, it would be mighty sweet to give to my kids someday! (“daddy…why does your writing suck?”)

how’s life in the giant apple?

J Dyck
Sent: September 22, 2005 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: NOVA | The Elegant Universe | Watch the Program | PBS

sweeeeeeeeeet…this is some serious sh#t! god bless public broadcasting…except the cbc!

hey bud…did you rejoin the working world or are you still holding out?

—–Original Message—–From: d
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 1:48 PM
To: d
Subject: NOVA | The Elegant Universe | Watch the Program | PBS

in case anyone’s interested…